When Your Vehicle's Wiring was Dinner
We've heard that when automotive wiring is manufactured, there is something that smells like nuts that attracts animals. We don't know if this is true, but we have seen first hand the damage your dog or a rodent can do to your car's electrical system.
Worse, if the animal dies behind the dash, no air freshener in the world is going to help.
Airbag Service has been troubleshooting electrical and wiring damage for over twenty years. We supply complete animal damage repairs from behind the dash through-out the interior of your vehicle.
Your Electronics Control Your Safety System
Electronic systems have increased in cars so what in the past may have been a cosmetic repair, now likely involves repairing sensors and electronic components of the airbags and safety system. These repairs are critical and they need to be performed properly to ensure the airbags and safety system continue to operate as designed.
You need a technician with airbag and complex electronics experience.
Schedule an appointment with your local Airbag Service technician and put an expert on your repair.